How this all got started

This is my first blog and I don't have a clue what I am doing so bear with me.

How we got started with racing Dirt bikes. It all started out with the boys trying to find themselves in what sports they like to do. They both played soccer for 2 years and got bored with it and both are playing baseball in the Spring. Now Baseball is Moms sport I love it.

OK so Lane has gotten to the age where he needed to add some EXTREME to his life of sports and his little Bro Gavin he just wanted to do what was fun and excited like his Big Bro Lane.  So it all started with them watching different type of Extreme sports on TV with their Extreme dad Keith, yes their dad loves this stuff to.  So we started with the BMX bikes and like all parents went out and got the best of bikes we could so they could do the best they can in it but it didn't last long..... They then went on to skateboarding and Guess what they both were really GREAT at it. I mean we went all out got the ramps did the half pike in the garage and then out of no where guess what they wanted a dirt bike.  So Lane and Gavin asked for a dirt bike at Christmas and guess what we got them.

Then after Christmas for about 3 months the boys were racing their bikes with their friend Devan around the yard and then Lane told his dad that he was ready to race his bike and of course so was Gavin. Keith being the dad he is search and search until he found a league to race on.

This is how it begins. We went all the way to VA ( which isn't that far but we like to make the boys think that, LOL) and sign them up with VCHSS. Where they had there first race.

Alot of this may be just pictures or videos unless I have a funny story to share but I am not very good with words at all.

Thank you for sharing this new adventure with us that so far we all are loving it.

April ( Racing Mom)


  1. Keith jus inform me that it is a half pipe and not a half pike.Sorry I am not that Extreme.

  2. LOL I didn't know the difference either!!!


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