
Sorry but I am still talking about the race the boys did at Smith Cross Rd. I have uploaded a video the start of the race. Which our boys did really great with it being their first time doing anything like this with kids that have been racing God know for how long. 

So if you notice that kid that started out in first place well.... that is my baby Gavin # 379 which it really was a shocker to both Keith and I.  Then look there in third place is Mr. Lane.  Whoo Hooo. Let's just say that at this moment there were some big smiles and proud parents that morning.

Anyway. enough on my bragging and I hope you enjoy this little video has much has I do. 


Please excuse the grammer and the spelling this is not my favorite area.


  1. ok so the word should be as much has I do.

  2. I too am proud of my grandsons they both are great little men!! And when they start back Grandma & Ken will make sure to be at one or more of their races!! Love ya'll


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