First Race @ Smith Cross Rds in South Hill VA

The first race for Lane and Gavin was very interesting.  I want you to picture this with me. You ready..... We left home on March 24th around noon and headed for Va. We arrived at Smith Cross Rd at around 2pm.

Ok now I need you ready to picture what I am telling you.  Think about going down this long path that is nothing but MUDDY... When I say muddy I am talking RED mud and we are ankle deep in it every where. Now all you could see is a field of nothing but RED clay RVS, campers,trucks and dirt bikes.  There were campers getting stuck and needing the tractor to pull them out.  This may not be funny to you all but it was to me. LOL.

Race time: Keith is ready for me to get to the point. Their race was on March 25th at 9am. and everyone of us was ready. 

The lady said start your engines..... READY....SET......GO and they were off.

Gavin started out in first place and Lane in third.  When race was finish our boys did great in placing being that this was their first and due to it being soooooo MUDDY that none of the kids could stay on the bikes.

One funny thing that took place was during the race there was this BIG Hill that the kids had to go over... My child Gavin a little overly excited decided to  get about 5ft air jumping it.

They placed Lane 6th his number 349 and Gavin 12th number 379 out of about 16 riders.

Now if I can just figure out how to post pictures.


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