
Showing posts from 2012

lane training

Birch Creek Moto Cross Park, Danville VA

This was another good race for the boys they got to see a MX race and hang around with some of the boys before the race. Lane placed 5th and Gavin placed 10th. Pictures will be posted later. Sorry

Sandy Bottoms, Penhook VA

Kids seem to have a great time at this race. They were able to meet alot more of the kids that they race with. Lane placed 3rd and Gavin placed 8th.

Happy boys!


Results lane 3rd and Gavin 8th.


Lane #349


Gavin #379 red outfit.






Yes it was raining during the race.


Getting ready for sandy bottom race!


Blueridge 2

Well the boys had an awesome time. They place really good. Lane came in 3rd and Gavin came in 6th. They are some happy kids right now along with their daddy.

Blueridge 2 Martinsville, VA

It's racing time again. Let's just say I will be getting a great work out watching them at this race.  They haven't even race and I have walked 3 miles today. Then I will do it again tomorrow. This race the boys seem to be really excited. The track has two huge hills. So of course when they saw them they got really pumped. Check back soon once I can I will upload some pictures. Uploading videos don't seem to working for me up here so it will probably be just pictures.  Everyone have a good weekend!

Lane doing his thing!

Tidewater @ Ivor Va

Another Race out in the field.  Another fun race. Check out our pictures and videos My Boys Lane Gavin Lane jumping a log...  Starting Line. 

Pictures and Video of Reddy Hole Race

                                                                       Gavin # 379  Lane # 349                                                                                 Gavin                                                                            Gavin                                                                               Pro Riders Lane Lane # 349  

Reddy Hole Surry VA

Here we go.. We left home on Sat May 26th and headed to Surry VA which was 2 hours from where we live. No big deal.  We arrive at Reddy Hole around 2-230 pm. This race was going to take place in a HUGE field with power lines.  There were over 100 campers,rv's etc. you name it, it was there.  This race was a very HOT , dried and dusty one. OK Race day was on Sunday May 27th at 9am.  For some reason at this race all of your nerves were acting up.  Then everything was ok when the boys got at the starting line.  READY.....SET.....GO.... and they were off.  Lane # 349 started out in 2nd place and Gavin # 379 started out in 5th place. They both finish Lane in 3rd place and Gavin in 7th.  Again they made us some proud parents. We stay later this day so the boys so hang out and drink alot of free monster drinks and watch the pros race on this race. Here are some pictures.
Hello Sorry but I am still talking about the race the boys did at Smith Cross Rd. I have uploaded a video the start of the race. Which our boys did really great with it being their first time doing anything like this with kids that have been racing God know for how long.  So if you notice that kid that started out in first place well.... that is my baby Gavin # 379 which it really was a shocker to both Keith and I.  Then look there in third place is Mr. Lane.  Whoo Hooo. Let's just say that at this moment there were some big smiles and proud parents that morning. Anyway. enough on my bragging and I hope you enjoy this little video has much has I do.  GO PRICE CREW!!!! Please excuse the grammer and the spelling this is not my favorite area.


The Boys are on break until August 12th and then they are back at it again. Lane and Gavin have been hanging around the house and riding them bikes while out on break. Think it's time for us to head to the beach for a little while.

First Race @ Smith Cross Rds in South Hill VA

The first race for Lane and Gavin was very interesting.  I want you to picture this with me. You ready..... We left home on March 24th around noon and headed for Va. We arrived at Smith Cross Rd at around 2pm. Ok now I need you ready to picture what I am telling you.  Think about going down this long path that is nothing but MUDDY... When I say muddy I am talking RED mud and we are ankle deep in it every where. Now all you could see is a field of nothing but RED clay RVS, campers,trucks and dirt bikes.  There were campers getting stuck and needing the tractor to pull them out.  This may not be funny to you all but it was to me. LOL. Race time : Keith is ready for me to get to the point. Their race was on March 25th at 9am. and everyone of us was ready.  The lady said start your engines..... READY....SET......GO and they were off. Gavin started out in first place and Lane in third.  When race was finish our boys did great in placing being that this was their first and due to it

How this all got started

This is my first blog and I don't have a clue what I am doing so bear with me. How we got started with racing Dirt bikes. It all started out with the boys trying to find themselves in what sports they like to do. They both played soccer for 2 years and got bored with it and both are playing baseball in the Spring. Now Baseball is Moms sport I love it. OK so Lane has gotten to the age where he needed to add some EXTREME to his life of sports and his little Bro Gavin he just wanted to do what was fun and excited like his Big Bro Lane.  So it all started with them watching different type of Extreme sports on TV with their Extreme dad Keith, yes their dad loves this stuff to.  So we started with the BMX bikes and like all parents went out and got the best of bikes we could so they could do the best they can in it but it didn't last long..... They then went on to skateboarding and Guess what they both were really GREAT at it. I mean we went all out got the ramps did the half pike