Round 2 VCHSS at Arrington, VA ...........APRIL FOOLS

This was a better start to a race weekend than the last. It took us about 3 hours to get there.  We left Saturday April 13,2013 at 6:00 am.  Boys played all day with their friends. Sunday morning came around and they were ready to get to the starting line.

It was another great turn out....  Lane had eight racers in his class and was out 4th from the start he worked hard and was determined he was going to finish number 1 which he did.

Gavin had another BIG turn out in his class with a total of  twenty four racers.... He had a little trouble with his bike getting it started and he was next to last to getting out at the start. BUT my little man turn up the throttle and  got up to 16th place which was an awesome job. 

This track was the most difficult one of all but all those kids ROCKED IT!!!!!!!


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