
Showing posts from March, 2013

2013 VCHSS Dillwyn VA

Racing season has started back up again for the 2013 season.  This is our second year doing wood racing and the boys are still loving it. Our first race of the season was on March 24, at Central Va.  Let just say this is a race we will never forget. It was a very interesting start to our racing season.   Where to begin? Let's see....... First on Friday night March 22, Keith was trying his hardest to get everything packed.  He was testing the boys racing bikes out to make sure all was great, and guess what... Lane's bike would not run. So we are all in a panic and our SUPERHERO was on the job, he removed the plastics from Lane's original bike that he was supposed to race to his back up bike.  All was good then back on schedule. Woke up on Saturday March 23, and was getting ready to head out everything was going good and we were still on our schedule. Got about 10 miles from home and our truck decided it was to tired to carry us all the way to VA.   After switching to